Wednesday, March 4, 2009


First off this is an offensive and quick opinion about the subject but this is my blog so if you are a bible beater or religious nutjob leave now!

Anyways, I really don't have time to fully discuss this topic in a blog it would take many a book so I have decided to name the top ten things that I have a problem with associated with religion.

10. Fanatical recruiting - How come people will go to such great lengths above and over the top to get people to join their religion. Do they need to be so aggressive and downright pushy. I understand you want to spread this great revelation that you have had but i am perfectly happy in my life as is, I have my own opinion and my own mind and I don't want to say no a thousand more times in my life. It never occurs to them that their religion is not the only one in the country and that people don't harass them about joining their religion hypocrisy which turns out to be a quite recurring claim in religion.

9. Wild and outlandish new religions - Scientology. A video:
Audit yourself of the Thetans inside you! Pretty self-evident.
Mormons re so cult-like that if you come from a Mormon family and don't believe you are outcasts. No thought given for your personal preferences.
Magic underwear. Mormons believe wearing underwear with some sacred symbols will prevent them from becoming physically harmed, and they believe lots of stories about people surviving accidents because of it.

8. Creationists - Can you seriously be that stubborn that empirical scientific evidence has made no impact on your views. Humans and dinosaurs never lived together the earth is 5 billion years old and we evolved from monkeys that is the truth it is fact proven through the sciences we use and these people also use to treat illnesses birth their children and do many other things in their life. Seems a little hypocritical to accept some scientific discoveries but deny others because of tales of prophets deities or other beliefs when there are real and concrete articles of fact in front of your face.

7. Republican Views - OK so its not really related to religion but if they keep calling Obama a socialist i might have to die laughing. FDR used socialist programs to stimulate our economy out of the Great Depression yes these rich blue-blooded Conservatives might lose a few dollars to TAXES!!! wow and that isn't a small price to pay for a rebuilt nation. They wanna cut taxes more and then they condemn all the spending yet it was a Republican State for the past four years raising the deficit to levels it hasn't seen since Reagan(A republican but also Governor of Cali so couldn't have been that Conservative.) when all he did was cut taxes and spend on deficit. Clinton finally repaid the debt shit we actually were in the surplus for a little while. There was no war and the biggest media scandal was the whole Monica Lewinski thing. Yes it was wrong but there are more important things in the government than who the president is fuckin.

6. Tithing and the Economics of churches - People give much of their salaries and such to the church even leaving their estates to churches when they die. Then we see preachers and pastors driving Benzes and wearing $2,000 suits. "This is what God wanted, he wanted me to be a wealthy individual and have nice things. " Catholic church is the richest in the world because of donations from people, countries and others same as sacrificing to the gods IMHO

5. The Bond between church and state - So we had a black president elected but would we ever have a non-religious or unaffiliated president elected, I don't see it happening anytime soon. What is so bad about not believing a man could live in a whale, or that burning bushes don't talk or that the earth didn't flood or that a man could not part a sea.

4. So-called miracles - We've all seen the Mary on a cracker or Jesus in a piece of bread stories on the news, and that's all fine if you want to believe that but are we that stupid to go visit this thing are we that desperate to believe we want so hard to believe what is wrong with being convinced what is wrong with letting your mind decide what is real and what is a cracker that got deformed or bread that someone sat on and got shaped. Let's think and not run at anything that happens.

3. Christmas - Really? Christ was born on December 25th? This is not true at all December 25th is the date of a pagan ritual date of the Winter Solstice or the Shortest day of the year in terms of Sunlight. It was conveniently turned into a Christian holiday so as to keep tradition alive.

2. Religious Wars - This really should be number one because of the death and destruction that has been caused over the years because of religion. Disagreement about which prophet lived 2000 years ago and who gets to live on this holy land is the cause of this violence in Israel/Palestine? Is that really so important if they took an objective view of their situation? Even we are in a religious war, we are fighting the Muslims because they attacked us for our beliefs and attitudes. How can religion have such a powerful grasp on people that it sends them to take another person's life? I find this a petty, useless, and depressing fact of life.

1. Mindless Sheep - People need to think for themselves and not just accept whatever is given to them. If half the people in our society had any idea what was going on around them we would be a better country for it. I hate that we are so docile and accepting of everything around us. Think about what is going on and react don't look how everyone else is reacting and follow. It is this psychological pack mentality(yeah like a pack of dogs or wildebeests) that has been my pet peeve for a good many years. Seriously think 1 time for ya muthafuckin mind so you become an individual. Thank you for finishing this long shit took me awhile to type.


Randy Z. said...

Reed, its good to see you posting again.

As far as religion goes, i understand and concur with the issue you seem to have with the institution itself. As far as the evidence goes, sometimes the proclaimed facts presented are a little to far fetched to believe creation occurred without the involvement of a higher being. But, from a detached perspective i think the whole point of religion was to instill the basic goals and morals of what is good in the hopes to better people and societies.

by far though, number 7 takes the cake. Unless obama finds a cure for cancer, brings world peace, and ends work hunger...his term will be in vain.

1 time said...

I believe that people would find morality in the most basic feelings of pain and love, although religion I see is trying to create these morals they are all too often compromised for so called religious goals see crusades, war in Israel, and 9/11.

Anonymous said...

all valid arguments and points

In the end Religion in itself is the GREATEST form of control over human beings EVER conceived. People have died by the billions for causes that other people claim are religious and this bleeds down into smaller forms such as practices.

In my opinion many religions deteriorate from truly altruistic virtues into what you see today. Churches of religions end up becoming churches of tradition.

HOWEVER, I am a christian and I still believe strongly in all the intrinsic values and beliefs that go along with it. No christ was not born on dec. 25th therefore i do not celebrate xmas...but to help better answer your question you should read the book i read

The Language of God...written by the director of the Human Genome Project. He grew up atheist, was the genius behind the project to map out the human genome to better understand what makes up humans. And through SCIENCE he discovers the truth about GOD.

so throw out all those traditions and bullshit religions. People are fucking high when they write shit, do you realize how many religions began by somebody seeing or hearing angels/GOD and telling them to write shit down...Islam, Mormon, etc. Stick to the facts stick to your own interpretation because at the end of the day thats all that matters. No one has the right to tell you what is wrong or right except yourself.

1 time said...

Amen brotha...note the laugh