Thursday, March 5, 2009

What we need...

What do we need on a daily basis? There are the obvious things like food, water, a place to sleep, clothes, a shower for most people and other personal hygeine. Then what?

It becomes sort of subjective from then on. Everyone needs something to make them a happy and complete peson. In our modern world it has become easier and easier to say we need our phones, our laptops, and other personal electronics. To amalyze this even more I think this necessity depends entirely on our daily lives. If you have a job you need transportation to this job, you need attire that is conducive of your job and you need the knowledge to do your job. If you have responsibilities such as children or pets then your needs are to help them get through the day.

Then it gets a little more complicated because we as people need different things emotionally to survive and feel good about ourselves. Sometimes I feel like I don't need anyone or anything because as a child that is what I was taught, that no one was there during the day and that I had to fend for myself. This is definitely not so as I get older i realize we need interaction with others, we need that bond between humans that helps us feel appreciated and alive. When this connection is severed we start to do crazy things and it takes a strong minded individual to go it alone for long periods of time. Look at tom Cruise in Castaway he had to talk to Wilson(haha), people go a little crazy if they feel unproductive and disconnected like the Una bomber although I don't think that was his only problem but he lived out in the wilderness by himself. Maybe it is a product of evolution that we have come to need this closeness with others or possibly it is a necessity of the human species. We need what we need, some others are physical contact, encouragement, and of course purpose. It makes me wonder when I think about the minamalistic needs of people and then the complicated world we choose to live in I like simple, it is easy to understand and to particiapte in. Simple is safe and organized, but our society is far from it, which makes serving our basic needs that much harder. With so much going on we sometimes forget what is really important, 1 time 4 your mind. (most cheesey final line)

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