Sunday, March 1, 2009

My surprise pick for Lebron 2010

It has become somewhat common to discuss the future of the NBA's current best player. I know I know arguable but this is my blog so deal with it. Anyways, I have been trying to understand the way the NBA works and how these contracts expire and free agency becomes a huge deal. However, I haven't really understood the workings of the system until I looked at this site today. How bored am I, looking through the whole league's salaries and when they expire. There are some startling facts such as, arguably the league's best pointguard(CP3) is making less than his backup Antonio Daniels! The way the NBA salary system works it really isn't fair to good players who are locked into long term deals their first couple years and then become superstars.

Back to Lebron, THe teams who have been talked about are yes, the Knickerbockers, the Nets, Pistons, and of course the Cavs are still in the mix. But I think the way the Hawks are set up I think they have a good chance because the only player tied up in 2010 is Josh Smith a great young player who I'm sure Lebron could get along with and maybe even win with. They would have to drop Joe Johnson who has been struggling lately. ALso, BIbby would be either gone or have to take a pay cut, which is less likely. So they would need a PG, SG, and C cuz Zaza is terrbile so if they could make a move for a good young player (Rondo if he could shoot to spread the floor, Deron Williams who is only making a little more than CP3 currently) and a big man who is decent maybe Tyson Chandler becomes a free agent in 2010 then Lebron would surely want to be there. Then again this is all speculation to the highest degree and I may not even know what I am talking about but Hawks certainly deserve consideration in this lottery. Knicks look good of course becuase their two highest paid players this year Marbury and Larry Hughes are up after this year and then Eddy Curry hasa player option in 2010 which is the only other big money that would be necessary. Maybe Lebron could even make HIM good too who knows? Let's wait and see but just thinking about these possibilities fills me with an energy of anticipation and enjoyment while I discuss these useless topics on a day when my laziness has gotten the better of me. So think about it 1 time....4 your mind...yeah whateva. Listen to NAS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i believe lebron is the best player in the NBA, talent wise, physical wise, etc.

however his ability as a leader and to win championships and to be in a great team like the celtics or lakers takes a lot of self sacrifice and a maturity. I think it'll be a long time coming until lebron's TEAM shows true dominance

but for now he should stay with the cavs because he is single handedly saving that city because he is without a doubt MVP 2009 and the league's future