Monday, July 6, 2009

On the Eve of Finality

Why do I think of things as being so permanent/ Sometimes I feel every small decision or non-decision is an effort to shape the rest of my life, when in fact nothing is forever, nothing cannot be undone with a little work. However we cannot take back that moment, that instant that just flew by as I typed these words, you are spending your time reading this and I thinking of the words to follow these. A small and ultimately immeasurable moment of your life but a decision that you made to do so. I have been thinking a lot about decisions lately and have decided that although some are important and more important than others, sometime we have to trust fate and let our lives be decided by forces greater than ourselves. I tried my hardest to go to USF, writing letters and phone calls but it was not to be. So what now? I can be sad over not getting in there or accept the things I cannot change. (Wow that is the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous, I knew I was a drunk but damn!) Anyways those little adages like "life goes on" or "don't sweat the small stuff" make me feel more fulfillment and a greater enjoyment on a daily basis. Really though, when things happen we learn and thinking 1 time on your experiences makes you a better person. 1 time.

1 comment:

Randy Z. said...

you can't control the uncontrollable.