Sunday, March 29, 2009

When life smacks you down...

What are you going to do in response? We all respond differently to adversity but the most common response is to stress out, to get down and depressed. We want someone to comfort us and make us feel like no matter what hapens we are still loved and appreciated. Recently I was smacked down by life. I was partying in Sacramento with my friends and made a terrible decision that has since changed my outlook on life and my position in it.

I spent 17+ hours in jail after being arrested on felony DUI charges. Embarassed. Sitting in a holding cell with all the other people who had made the mistake I had. Depressed. Knowing that you can;t take back your actions, wishing you weren't there, knowing you can't do anything about it. Nervous. Being stuck in a cage takes something out of you mentally, being locked up in a room gives you an appreciation of being free of living life, everyday above ground and free is another gift of life. Deliberate. Everything is for a reason and everything I do will be thought out from now on. Bad decisions can ruin your life, even one. Most of the people I met in jail had been there before, these people were second and even third time offenders. I can't imagine the awful time these people must be having and I feel a certain remorse for their strife.

So what now, I have a decision to make I feel. I can either let this event eat me alive as I did for the first week. It was hard to eat, I had butterflys 24 hours a day. I couldn't sleep without my mind constantly thinking about what was facing in the future. I was afraid that since it was a felony I would be heading back to jail. This time for weeks or wven months. I wouldn't be able to vote anymore, and every job from now on I will have to declare my conviction of a felony. The constant stench of this night tarnishing my permanent record. It really is enough to drive someone crazy and I was on my way there. The other option to this decision was to grow from it, learn the err of my ways and become a stronger person. Obviously, the latter is the preferable response however, it takes a certain amont of mental strength to get there. Time is the most continous and effective healer in any situation like this. It feels good to let out your feelings and I am glad I had my family and friends to let out the proverbial pressure this situation was having on me.

I will grow. I will expand my horizons and appreciate everyday I have with the people I love and care about. I will take this situation to heart everytime I am making a decision which could affect my future. I will be smarter and work harder to overcome any damage this situation may have on my life. I have not taken a drink since this day, nor do I plan to anytime soon. I have not sped, rolled through a stop sign or otherwise been careless while driving, nor do I plan to. Life has been simpler when things are put into perspective of importance. Life is important, people are important, and thought is important. I need to take m own advice and think about it one time for my mind. Never again.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Second review is Reasonable Doubt Jay-Z's first commercial release and favorite of all hardcore hip hop heads of his body of work. Let's get into it.

1. Can't knock the Hustle - Starts with a little intro from Scarface not really my style but I guess it's whatever gotta start the album somehow. After that it gets much better produced by Knowbody who Nas shouts out in his album cover of Illmatic. Not too familiar with him but after a quick wiki he is credited with producing Still not a player Big Pun's most famous song as well as many other hip hop acts including akon and R.E.M. All in all this song has Jay-Z's usual wordplay and flow on a beautifully produced beat with Mary J on the chorus. Not much else you can say really 5/5.

2. Politics as Usual - Produced by Ski Damon Dash's coousin slos produced a few other tracks on this album as well as CAmp Lo's debut album Uptown Saturday Night so he has some skill on the boards as well as a famous cousin. Jay lights it up on this track maybe his best track lyrically love the beat just works with Jay's rhyming style but then again Jay is great at molding his flow to the beat. This is one of those songs you can just lounge to and enjoy. 5/5

3. Brooklyn's Finest - Now here is a track would get 6/5 if that would make any sense Biggie destroys it and Jay holds his own this is my favorite track by far on this album. Produced by Clark Kent who produces a few more on this album a Biggie associate as he produced some Junior Mafia, Lil Kim, Mariah Carey as well as 50 Cent and is the cousin of Foxy Brown which explains his Jay-Z and Biggie affiliations. Love how the keys dance and then that little sample kind of goes "oooohhh". Just a well put together and complete track with two major heavyweights goin back and forth like a cipher on the street. 5/5 fa sho!

4. Dead President's II - Again produced by Ski in my book he gets minus points for using a Nas sample because this album came out two years after Nas' Illmatic but I guess that's just my opinion. However Jay comes with it again he's so hungry on this album and like the aforementioned Illmatic there is not one poorly lyric throughout the whole album. Well, maybe a little later on. Love the beat melodic and simple but he sample irks me a little bit. Still a classic and perfect example of what early Jay-Z could do. Not like his early freestyles but more refined and suited to each track he rhymes over. 4.5/5

5. Feelin' It - Again Ski produced with the keys at the beginning and that little record popping sound. But I'm not "feelin'" the chorus or the way this is put together as much as the other songs before it. Mecca is the voice of the chorus but to me this just seems a little off ca't really explain I get bored halfway through, maybe it's too slow or Jay just doesn't fit on this beat this isn't the best song on the album. 3/5

6. D'evils - Dj Premier uses a Snoop Dogg sample to perfection on a classic Primo beat, not too fancy just good I don;t know how he does it over and over and over on two of the most classic hip hop albums of all time. Jay murders it once again over the LL Cool J and Allen Toussaint samples, one of the better songs if I had to pick my favorites. No real chorus to this song but I like the way Primo has fille dthat part with the samples, and evil/devil/ induced theme makes this more meaningful I particularly like the " Even in Jehovvah witness i'll never testify." 5/5

7. 22 Two's - I have tried to count them and got 20 but I believe Jay when he says there is 22. A Ski prodced track is an interesting idea for a song where he makes it seem like he is performing a fresstyle at a club and it's funny at the end where someone in the crowd teels the MC to "shut the fuck up" after she smells some "reefer." All in all an amazing song lyrically and gets points for originality and set up. Beat is on point but not outstanding which gives the limelight to the lyrical quality. 5/5

8. Can I live - A slow beat which samples Isaac Hayes produced by DJ Irv. Horns come in nicely for the choruses to break up the monotony chorus is a little uninspired but beat claps nicey enough along, not gonna overpower anyone or make them say wow but a decent filler track. 4/5

9. Ain't No ***** - I put it like that cuz that's how it is on the album cover. Probably the best chorus/hook on the album and most dancable beat if there is such a thing on this album. This song is unforgettable and easy to like as the bass line and general rhythm make it wasy to recieve and sing along with if you feel the mood. Funky and quick sample from "Seven minutes of funk" this track is a nice change from the previous tracks featuring Foxy Brown and produced by Big Jaz Jay-Z's mentor who he later disses and feuds with. All the time giving him credit for his success. More on Him later. 5/5

10. Friend or Foe - A beat you can't help but like produced by you know how Premier of course. This is a little interlude song/skit with rapping. Love the beat don't think I can give this track a score because it is not a song really. But if I did it would be 4/5

11. Coming of Age - Produced by Clark Kent a build up beat that nicely encompasses the lyrics while providing a musical expereince with keys and synth type sounds and a back and forth bassline. Memphis Bleek rips this shit and Jay holds his own but I really love the way Bleek comes hard on this track. Sort of a youngin' to older head back and forth song/conversation. 5/5

12. Cashmere Thoughts - Clark Kent Production once more and what nice production it is humming along to the beat of the bassline while Jay raps nicely. Don;t think he really knew what to do with this beat though. Not one of his better moldings of his flow to the beat but lyrical content is decent not great. 4/5

13. Bring it On - This track features Big Jaz and Sauce Money and is produced by Premiere and sounds straight out of a gangstarr album almost. You can really tell where Jay got his flow from when you listen to Jaz on this track but Jay does outshine him by just a hair I think because of his voice. Great beat and lyrical composition which work well toghether as all Primo songs seem to do. Godfather and Bennie Blanko references give him some mafia credibility which is a recurring theme throughout the album. Reasonable Doubt is a legal term given to juries to use when convicting someone. They have to be without a reasonable doubt in order to find someone guilty. Which i think plays into the whole crime family well-connected Jay-Z theme of this album. 5/5

14. Regrets - A slower beat prodcued by Peter Panic with prominent musical instruments what sounds like a keyboard and some string instruments on top of the drum and bass which features a high pitched bell of sorts. This is the one song that placed correctly at the end of the album is his looking back at all the things he has done to get to where he's at. He knows that there will be things he regrets but he has to live with them in order to survive. A nice way to finish the album with more powerful and thought provoking lyric than previously uttered. 5/5

Average Song Score : 4(3.96 actually)

Overall Score: 93%

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Illmatic Review

My first album to be reviewed is Illmatic said by many to be the greatest hip hop album of all time. The raw gritty queensbridge rapper holds back nothing in this well-produced depiction of new york life through the eyes of Nas, the street poet. When you combine raw intricate rhyme schemes depicting graphic new york streets, witty wordplay, and deep metaphors you get this album. So let's get into the breakdown.

1. The Genesis - A combination intro, skit, and interlude this track opens the album with a nice generic yet unforgettable beat that had me yearning to replay even though there were no lyrics. 5/5

2. NY State of Mind - My personal favorite track on the album, the beat is produced by Dj Premier one of the greatest hip-hop producers of all time. Then you combine that amazing production with a first line like this:

Rappers I monkey flip em with the funky rhythm I be kickin
Musician, inflictin composition
of pain I'm like Scarface sniffin cocaine
Holdin a M-16, see with the pen I'm extreme

Whoa! This is something powerful something lyrical with the beats to make you nod your head. I love love love this track and always have so I give it a 5/5.

3. Life's a Bitch - The message on this track is pretty straightforward as is evident from the chorus "life's a bitch and then you die." However my favorite part is AZ's verse at the beginning he and Nas complement each other as vocalist quite well. However I believe this to be one of AZ's best verses on any track even his solo work. Anyways this track has a decent beat, a little stripped down for my tastes but the horns at the end are a nice touch. Love the lyricism by both AZ and Nas. This track was produced by L.E.S. who went on to help co-produce "Gettin Jiggy wit it". Although the beat is mediocre to me I still give this song a 4/5 for lyricism.

4. The World is Yours - Again, a pretty self-evident message the world is yours. Love the imagery though in Nas's first verse:

I sip the Dom P, watchin Gandhi til I'm charged
Then writin in my book of rhymes, all the words pass the margin
To hold the mic I'm throbbin, mechanical movement
Understandable smooth shit that murderers move wit

A young Nas who's experiences and interests lie in drinking, running the streets and that unmistakable bulletproof feeling that all young people in the prime of their life can't help but posess. He sees the problems and violence and weaves a tale of how it feels to be in his shoes (suede timbs). Although not in story form this track displays the feelings and thoughts of a day to day hustla trying to survive. Produced by the legendary Pete Rock of Pete Rock and CL Smooth this beat is hard enough to carry the subject matter but melodic enough to encompass the keys at the beggining. This track has all the right stuff 5/5.

5. Halftime - Coniently placed in the middle of the album this track has a build up beat that seems to bring together nicely all the horns as well as the bells which are intricately and nicely disguised so as not to make this sound too Chritmasey. Produced by The Large Professor who is credited with discovering Nas and also produced two more tracks on this album. Nas comes hard again with his usual street swagger and lyrical depiction of confidence and pop culture references to Nike, the Jackson 5 and others. Al in all a nicely produced and emceed track with a nice message that this is only halftime in this record and Nas's career has much more to go. 4.5/5 just because I don't get as excited to her this as other tracks.

6. Memory Lane - Another Premier produced track, so of course the beat is amazing in its flow and use of samples to bring together the beat in a way that only Primo can do. Nas absolutely rips it as well with his memories of yesterday and his experiences throughout life beautifully spoken in a way that let's us understand but not get bored, again Nas has this technique of telling a story in a way that gives us a glimpse of what he's talking about without a full autobiography. It really makes the track a complete and true to it's title 5/5.

7. One Love - The xylophone type sounds make me think of that Mario part where you arein the lava and there are dinosaurs and it makes that sound when you jump on them. haha I digress this beat was produced by Q-Tip of Tribe a little known fact and he actually sings the chorus as well. Not one of my favorite songs jsut doesn;t flow and work together as well as other songs on this album. Not bad because Nas of course brings the fire but even 3 straight heaters of verses can't save the uninspired chorus and less than complementary beat. Decent beat just not for this song.3/5

8. One Time 4 Your MInd - Well I think that's the name of my blog so you'd think I have to give this a 5/5 but let me tell you why I like this song. Produced by The Large Professor and nicely I might add. A beat that is necely composed with a looping bass line that sort of dances lightly and chimes at the beat. Although the lyrics are not as inspried as some of the other songs on this album. In the chorus he adds it sounds clever which I interperut to mean that this saying 1 time for your mind is a clever saying but that he really doesn't have any witty sayings or chorus sayings that will have you singing and remembering this song after listening to the CD. I do like the beat and the idea the lyrics don;t really deliver for me they are too thuggin for such an insightful and thought related title. That really insin't what makes a song good or bad but I just like the saying hence making it my title. I liek the song but don't love it. 4/5

9. Represent - DJ Premier...Need I say more. OK OK flowing and nice beat sounds a little like the previous one actually in that it chimes on the the beat with a nice bass line but then when Nas starts spittin the beat changes to a nice blend of chimes and drum and bass. Again Nas just seems to bring out his best stuff when Primo is on the tracks maybe he just feels the beat that much more. By the way this song live was SICK Nas straight killed it during this song with the Reverb on the chorus and his mad stage presence and flow. Love the lyrics even throws in some old school rap references with MC Shan and The Real Roxanne and you know the beat is hot. 5/5

10. It aint hard to tell - Heavily sampled with horns added to the drum and bass track. No chorus at all on this track whic I think really makes the lyrics that much more memorable I find myself singing along to this track much more than any other. The slight buildup in the the beat is a nice touch by The Large Professor samples are by Micheal Jackson and Kool and the Gang so I mean if you are going to sample as this album is heavily sampled then get the best and those two are not bad from a purely musical standpoint. All in all a nice way to finish the album with some tight lyrics and a fade out at the end of the song. 4.5/5

11. Wait there's only 10 tracks! hah yeah this is one of the shorter classic albums in history but what would you rather have some meaningless skits about bitches (See Ready to Die) or straight hip hop channeled through great production and amazing lyricism for 10 straight tracks. I say no contest.

Average Score per track: 4.5

Overall Score: 95%

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What we need...

What do we need on a daily basis? There are the obvious things like food, water, a place to sleep, clothes, a shower for most people and other personal hygeine. Then what?

It becomes sort of subjective from then on. Everyone needs something to make them a happy and complete peson. In our modern world it has become easier and easier to say we need our phones, our laptops, and other personal electronics. To amalyze this even more I think this necessity depends entirely on our daily lives. If you have a job you need transportation to this job, you need attire that is conducive of your job and you need the knowledge to do your job. If you have responsibilities such as children or pets then your needs are to help them get through the day.

Then it gets a little more complicated because we as people need different things emotionally to survive and feel good about ourselves. Sometimes I feel like I don't need anyone or anything because as a child that is what I was taught, that no one was there during the day and that I had to fend for myself. This is definitely not so as I get older i realize we need interaction with others, we need that bond between humans that helps us feel appreciated and alive. When this connection is severed we start to do crazy things and it takes a strong minded individual to go it alone for long periods of time. Look at tom Cruise in Castaway he had to talk to Wilson(haha), people go a little crazy if they feel unproductive and disconnected like the Una bomber although I don't think that was his only problem but he lived out in the wilderness by himself. Maybe it is a product of evolution that we have come to need this closeness with others or possibly it is a necessity of the human species. We need what we need, some others are physical contact, encouragement, and of course purpose. It makes me wonder when I think about the minamalistic needs of people and then the complicated world we choose to live in I like simple, it is easy to understand and to particiapte in. Simple is safe and organized, but our society is far from it, which makes serving our basic needs that much harder. With so much going on we sometimes forget what is really important, 1 time 4 your mind. (most cheesey final line)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


First off this is an offensive and quick opinion about the subject but this is my blog so if you are a bible beater or religious nutjob leave now!

Anyways, I really don't have time to fully discuss this topic in a blog it would take many a book so I have decided to name the top ten things that I have a problem with associated with religion.

10. Fanatical recruiting - How come people will go to such great lengths above and over the top to get people to join their religion. Do they need to be so aggressive and downright pushy. I understand you want to spread this great revelation that you have had but i am perfectly happy in my life as is, I have my own opinion and my own mind and I don't want to say no a thousand more times in my life. It never occurs to them that their religion is not the only one in the country and that people don't harass them about joining their religion hypocrisy which turns out to be a quite recurring claim in religion.

9. Wild and outlandish new religions - Scientology. A video:
Audit yourself of the Thetans inside you! Pretty self-evident.
Mormons re so cult-like that if you come from a Mormon family and don't believe you are outcasts. No thought given for your personal preferences.
Magic underwear. Mormons believe wearing underwear with some sacred symbols will prevent them from becoming physically harmed, and they believe lots of stories about people surviving accidents because of it.

8. Creationists - Can you seriously be that stubborn that empirical scientific evidence has made no impact on your views. Humans and dinosaurs never lived together the earth is 5 billion years old and we evolved from monkeys that is the truth it is fact proven through the sciences we use and these people also use to treat illnesses birth their children and do many other things in their life. Seems a little hypocritical to accept some scientific discoveries but deny others because of tales of prophets deities or other beliefs when there are real and concrete articles of fact in front of your face.

7. Republican Views - OK so its not really related to religion but if they keep calling Obama a socialist i might have to die laughing. FDR used socialist programs to stimulate our economy out of the Great Depression yes these rich blue-blooded Conservatives might lose a few dollars to TAXES!!! wow and that isn't a small price to pay for a rebuilt nation. They wanna cut taxes more and then they condemn all the spending yet it was a Republican State for the past four years raising the deficit to levels it hasn't seen since Reagan(A republican but also Governor of Cali so couldn't have been that Conservative.) when all he did was cut taxes and spend on deficit. Clinton finally repaid the debt shit we actually were in the surplus for a little while. There was no war and the biggest media scandal was the whole Monica Lewinski thing. Yes it was wrong but there are more important things in the government than who the president is fuckin.

6. Tithing and the Economics of churches - People give much of their salaries and such to the church even leaving their estates to churches when they die. Then we see preachers and pastors driving Benzes and wearing $2,000 suits. "This is what God wanted, he wanted me to be a wealthy individual and have nice things. " Catholic church is the richest in the world because of donations from people, countries and others same as sacrificing to the gods IMHO

5. The Bond between church and state - So we had a black president elected but would we ever have a non-religious or unaffiliated president elected, I don't see it happening anytime soon. What is so bad about not believing a man could live in a whale, or that burning bushes don't talk or that the earth didn't flood or that a man could not part a sea.

4. So-called miracles - We've all seen the Mary on a cracker or Jesus in a piece of bread stories on the news, and that's all fine if you want to believe that but are we that stupid to go visit this thing are we that desperate to believe we want so hard to believe what is wrong with being convinced what is wrong with letting your mind decide what is real and what is a cracker that got deformed or bread that someone sat on and got shaped. Let's think and not run at anything that happens.

3. Christmas - Really? Christ was born on December 25th? This is not true at all December 25th is the date of a pagan ritual date of the Winter Solstice or the Shortest day of the year in terms of Sunlight. It was conveniently turned into a Christian holiday so as to keep tradition alive.

2. Religious Wars - This really should be number one because of the death and destruction that has been caused over the years because of religion. Disagreement about which prophet lived 2000 years ago and who gets to live on this holy land is the cause of this violence in Israel/Palestine? Is that really so important if they took an objective view of their situation? Even we are in a religious war, we are fighting the Muslims because they attacked us for our beliefs and attitudes. How can religion have such a powerful grasp on people that it sends them to take another person's life? I find this a petty, useless, and depressing fact of life.

1. Mindless Sheep - People need to think for themselves and not just accept whatever is given to them. If half the people in our society had any idea what was going on around them we would be a better country for it. I hate that we are so docile and accepting of everything around us. Think about what is going on and react don't look how everyone else is reacting and follow. It is this psychological pack mentality(yeah like a pack of dogs or wildebeests) that has been my pet peeve for a good many years. Seriously think 1 time for ya muthafuckin mind so you become an individual. Thank you for finishing this long shit took me awhile to type.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My surprise pick for Lebron 2010

It has become somewhat common to discuss the future of the NBA's current best player. I know I know arguable but this is my blog so deal with it. Anyways, I have been trying to understand the way the NBA works and how these contracts expire and free agency becomes a huge deal. However, I haven't really understood the workings of the system until I looked at this site today. How bored am I, looking through the whole league's salaries and when they expire. There are some startling facts such as, arguably the league's best pointguard(CP3) is making less than his backup Antonio Daniels! The way the NBA salary system works it really isn't fair to good players who are locked into long term deals their first couple years and then become superstars.

Back to Lebron, THe teams who have been talked about are yes, the Knickerbockers, the Nets, Pistons, and of course the Cavs are still in the mix. But I think the way the Hawks are set up I think they have a good chance because the only player tied up in 2010 is Josh Smith a great young player who I'm sure Lebron could get along with and maybe even win with. They would have to drop Joe Johnson who has been struggling lately. ALso, BIbby would be either gone or have to take a pay cut, which is less likely. So they would need a PG, SG, and C cuz Zaza is terrbile so if they could make a move for a good young player (Rondo if he could shoot to spread the floor, Deron Williams who is only making a little more than CP3 currently) and a big man who is decent maybe Tyson Chandler becomes a free agent in 2010 then Lebron would surely want to be there. Then again this is all speculation to the highest degree and I may not even know what I am talking about but Hawks certainly deserve consideration in this lottery. Knicks look good of course becuase their two highest paid players this year Marbury and Larry Hughes are up after this year and then Eddy Curry hasa player option in 2010 which is the only other big money that would be necessary. Maybe Lebron could even make HIM good too who knows? Let's wait and see but just thinking about these possibilities fills me with an energy of anticipation and enjoyment while I discuss these useless topics on a day when my laziness has gotten the better of me. So think about it 1 time....4 your mind...yeah whateva. Listen to NAS!