Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration (not promising to stay on topic)

It has been said countless times and too many for me to keep repeating what a historic and exciting event this is(guess i just did). But you have to think about realistic possibilities of what he is going to do. Change? Yeah, OK that is evident but where? when? and the biggest one how? The government is vast and expansive beyond one person's controlling. Obama is trying to go from the White House to grassroots organizations which he believes will motivate people for change in their lives and in turn in those around them. I like these thoughts but are they realistic? Today we embark on a journey a kind of experiment if you will, because the democrats are in charge, there is no one to blame now but themselves. I wanted this so I am to blame as well and everyone who is setting these huge expectations for Change are going to be disappointed because the one thing I know about government is that nothing can be solved overnight, and if it is then this quick fix cannot be trusted and will eventually fall apart. We need a long term solution that will be gradual and permanent in solving our problems. Raising taxes is inevitable people hate democrats for this reason, but to get social programs going(like was done in the New Deal under Roosevelt) we need this extra income for the government to pay for the new jobs we are creating.
Back to the Inauguration it was a great site and the enthusiasm I see for this upcoming era makes me happy as it does everyone. Even more than a promise of change or Bush ending his term is the anticipation of something better, because for the last year there has been a resentment of the presidency and his antics. We have been led like sheep to the slaughter on many occasions. If anyone saw that movie about RFK when he got shot there was all this excitement about his candidacy for president from all people I'm the late 60's partly because his older brother was such a beloved president but it was this change and the hope that we see in America now. I just wonder if this HOPE can last until the change we need comes. There is no doubt it will come but it will take time and effort which I HOPE this enthusiasm brings.

1 comment:

Randy Z. said...

yes...bush and his antics...just that word alone describes his term.

I agree about the whole Historic event was sorta played out...i couldn't just enjoy it i had to keep hearing this historical event, this historical day...i understand it was history but i don't need to have someone on TV keep telling me repeatedly...and not to the story headlines weren't to creative "Obaama's Path to History"...c'mon man..

be i truly am excited to see what obama can inspire in the people.