Sunday, July 26, 2009

Patience is a virtue

I am not sure who said it or who agreed that this was a good saying but to me patience is something I usually do not have. It is hard for me to sit around and do absolutely nothing. I have to trick myself into thinking I am accomplishing things by playing video games that require some sort of ascension or progression or watching a series tv program. Otherwise I feel that I am wasting my time, even though these things are probably more of a waste of time. To have patience is to be able to wait for things to happen, and sometimes this sounds like a wonderful skill. Although, I believe it is human nature to avoid such situations. When we are little Christmas seems to take forever to come, when we are elderly we drive 50 mph in the fastlane of the freeway(however this is not always the case). Someone once said "start living or strat dying" a phrase which I interpret to mean get moving with action and start something or you are really just waiting to die. It is quotes like these that can either be cliche and boring or put someone on this whole other level of understanding of the situation and bring deep meaning into an otherwise dull and shallow conversation. It takes a certain skill to determine when to use these phrases to encact the latter, but such an action can be full circle bringing meaning to the conversation about bringing meaning to one's life. I get so deep in these sort of things,these thoughts, thinking about the world philosophically too bad noboady pays you to think like Aristotle. 1 time money tho :( I'm patiently waiting for my time to shine, law school to start, and life to enter it's next chapter. I'm not stuck in neutral I haven't even turned the car on yet, I need an engine and some wheels.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I have been playing a lot of golf lately, a game that many say requires little to no atleticism. I disagree because there is a direct correlation between athletic people and golf skill(for the most part). It would be easy to just mention Tiger Woods and his training program and be done with the subject but Iwould like to take some of the more unfit looking golfers and describe what makes them athletic. Golf requires strength to hit the ball 300+ yards. I honestly hit the ball as hard as I can sometimes on my drives and can barely get it 300 which is pretty good for an amateur. Anyways, John Daly is my first example of a seemingly unfit golfer. If you look at his swing you will see that it takes amazing flexibility to be able to swing past parallel on the backswing(meaning that he takes the club back so far that is almost touches his left shoulder). Moreover, Daly also had some trouble in the past and was out of golf for a little while with drinking problems and was sort of a joke at one time. He had gained an extreme amount of weight and was not playing the way he normally does. He got the lapband surgery and lost 80 lbs in the process. He is now back on tour competing and doing quite well, making cuts and playing generally decent golf. Is there some correlation between his fitness and good play or is it him being used to weighing a certain amount and tailoring his swing to play at that weight? It really is hard to say but looking at the professional golfers, many of them have taken the time in the last few years to get in shape like any other athlete out there. They weight train, do cardio, and of course use those fast twitch muscles to play golf. That said, there are large americans who play golf and some may do so with success but that isn't to say that golf requires no athleticism, on the contrary the muscle memory alone required to play the game is learned through years of participating in athletic activity, learning how to learn if you will. I enjoy the game greatly and now understand the physical qualities required to play the game at such a high level. Uno Vez

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Play your strengths or learn new things?

First off I wanted to announce that I got a new netbook today, the keyboard is hard to type on. It is so tiny and light that I am not even dreading carrying it around all day at law school! Anyways, on to the good stuff.

Is it better to be aware of your strengths in life and to "play" them to your advantage or to put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable and are out of your element so to speak. I believe in both and have heard of each being a strategy to live your life. Of course doing what seems natural is the easier way to go and some would say smarter because you are more efficient in doing things you are good at and comfortable with. On the other hand we grow each time we step outside our comfort zone and I would say that some of the best memories I have required a little bit of both of these mantras. Moving to Riverside and hanging out with who I hung out with and becoming the person I became was out of my comfort zone for sure at the beginning, doing something totally different and beyond any recognition I previously held. On the other hand once I met these people I stayed in this comfortable new shell that i had created for myself. It is not hard to tell that I am a naturally introverted person who thrives on being able to do his own thing when the mood strikes. However it is without a doubt that to survive in this world we need to step out into the sunlight and experience the world. So a mixture is a good thing. Also, situationally, there are many aspects to this issue that play a role. When we need to be at our most professional, steppign into something new and unfamiliar probably isn't the safest of maneuvers but that may be the point, some of us like to play it safe and stick to what we knoe, boring and plain, and there are others of us that like to take risks, live fast and genuinely fly by the seat of our pants. Which type are you? 1 time

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So is it an addiction if you can't think about anything but being with a hot girl?
Is it an addiction if you want to eat so bad you want nothing else?
Is it an addiction when your only thought in the morning is to play golf?
Is an addiction something you can get over?
What is an addiction?
I guess the real question is why do we use the word with such notoriety?
It's true that some people, many people have serious issues with addiction but aren't there as many or more people that have good addictions? Workaholic, Chocaholic, tvaholic(this one is pretty much a given for most americans), textaholic, twitteraholic, facebookaholic. When u add -aholic to the end of any of these do the become addictions. Just becase it isnt a destructive addiction or a short-lived one does that mean is not an addiction? I guess the difference escapes me, but here is the dictionary definition:

1: the quality or state of being addicted (addiction to reading)>(which is the things I have been describing)
2: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal ; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful(which is the definition most of us think about but habit-forming substance could be anything right? It could become a habit to some of us to wash our hands, or be addidted t it. Might have to have OCD to do so but still Anyways, just some stuff on the top of my mind, 1 Time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

On the Eve of Finality

Why do I think of things as being so permanent/ Sometimes I feel every small decision or non-decision is an effort to shape the rest of my life, when in fact nothing is forever, nothing cannot be undone with a little work. However we cannot take back that moment, that instant that just flew by as I typed these words, you are spending your time reading this and I thinking of the words to follow these. A small and ultimately immeasurable moment of your life but a decision that you made to do so. I have been thinking a lot about decisions lately and have decided that although some are important and more important than others, sometime we have to trust fate and let our lives be decided by forces greater than ourselves. I tried my hardest to go to USF, writing letters and phone calls but it was not to be. So what now? I can be sad over not getting in there or accept the things I cannot change. (Wow that is the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous, I knew I was a drunk but damn!) Anyways those little adages like "life goes on" or "don't sweat the small stuff" make me feel more fulfillment and a greater enjoyment on a daily basis. Really though, when things happen we learn and thinking 1 time on your experiences makes you a better person. 1 time.