Sunday, May 3, 2009

What am I supposed to be doing?

Repetitious days producing boredom make me think again and again that I am supposed to be doing something else with my time. I'm not sure what that is or of course I would be doing it. Right now I feel is an unique opportunity to try things that wouldn't necessarily be possible if post-college life had gone differently. Although we could hash out hypothetical situations til it physically hurts maybe wat I am doing is what is supposed to happen in my life. And even if it isn't that doesn't change the fact that it already has happened or is currently. So either way looking back at this point is without merit. Looking forward is fun but just looking won't be productive. Is it better to be content in our current state or be actively pursuing a better one? I would argue for the latter and in that capacity I am doing ok although it does not really feel like it. It must come down to whether or not the current activity is getting us to where we need to go. If it's not helping or hindering then you feel like me, waiting to go to school not enough time to really apply myself elsewhere in too great a capacity. Trying to keep it together in a time of inactivity to survive until a time of immense activity. I'm supposed to be...that's a myth free will let's us do watever we want, it's the journey not the destination that makes our lives full.


Anonymous said...

ah the trouble that we all face in life when we are forced to sit down and take things slowly

in my unemployment i have made it my goal to get into top physical shape, learn how to play a few instruments, read a few books, and maybe even plan if i will ever go to grad school and if i do how will i get there.

After all this I remember to have as much fun as possible with as little money involved just like we used to back at the good old broadbent house...TEAM BROADBENT FOR LIFE ! haha

1 time said...

TEAM BROADBENT!!! i miss u guys :(